Friday, January 16, 2009

I Dream of Being The "First Dog"

For months now my family has been obsessed with politics, so now that the election is over my people’s lives can revolve around me again! I must admit that one facet of the post election world interests me and it is the talk of choosing a dog for the new first family. You can probably guess where I’m going with this, I think they should consider a Bishon Frise. We have all the qualities needed to be an excellent “first dog.” We are hypoallergenic (good for little girls with allergies) and we don’t shed. Second, we don’t mind dressing up for state occasions and we look cute all the time from all angles (especially good for those pesky paparazzi). We are spunky and friendly, but not over-bearing, (no unnecessary jumping on people) and we remember folks we like forever. . . but don’t bark or growl at people we don’t know so well.
The other night I heard the Obamas talking to Barbara Walters on TV..blah blah blah the economy….blah blah taxes…then, blah blah a DOG! My ears perked up, now we’re talkin’ about something I can sink my teeth into! Did I hear him correctly? Did he say with great disdain – “what?, a little white yippy dog, one that sits in your lap?” Don’t look at me – I’m not one of those sissy dogs. I rarely “say” anything (but I speak volumes with my eyes) and I can’t stand to sit on anyone’s lap. I’ll snuggle very close and lean but definitely not on. I’m more like “Bush 43’s” dog, Barney. Barney’s big enough not to get stepped on but not so big as to fill up a room, and from what I’ve seen, I’m sure my breed would be an improvement in the personality department.
With all this talk about “getting the girls a puppy,” I’ve got a feeling from our new President that the new dog is going to be as much a companion for him as for the girls, maybe they should get two dogs; a sweet, loving smaller dog for the girls and a bigger bolder dog for the President – they’ve got lots of room in that big house and plenty of people to take both cool “first” dogs for walks.